Vintage Vornado Information
- F.A.Q.

Above is from a 1949 early 1950 Vornado fan catalog showing the new stamped steel line.
Questions / Answers from Vornado Owners Booklet
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Strongly recommended lubricants are Zoom Turbine Oil specifically made for oil impregnated bronze sleeve bearings. It has a convenient pull out spout for reaching the oil spouts found at the top of the motor. Also recommended is 3 in1 ELECTRIC MOTOR OIL S.A.E. 20.
A cut away version of a Sutco motor showing the oiling spouts on top.
Placement of ID tags on air circulators
Location of ID Tag on 10D1, 12D1, 12P1, 16PA1, 16PB1
Data plate on 38P and 60P will be in the same place but will be a decal rather than a metal plate. They could be gray with orange lettering or the traditional yellow and reddish brown.
Location of ID Tags for 16C, 20C, 24C,28C, 38C
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Location of ID Tag for 26F1 located on the inside of the leg. Tend to disintegrate, may be missing.
Location of ID tag for 24D1, under base. After 1956 and thru 1958 they were silver and dark gray. Vornado logo not present.
38P (1951) clear decal with orange print found on the rear motor housing.
Deciphering the year of manufacture of your vintage Vornado
Identifying the age is of your vintage Vornado is not always straight forward with the early models as it was not stated in the serial number. Lower serial numbers usually indicate an earlier version. Staring in 1950 with the new all stamped steel models identification is a more straight forward. For example; Serial number; B50 xxxx indicates a 1950 model. B51=1951, B52=1952, B53=1953. In 1954 the first two digits in the continuous serial number indicate the year. IE; 5400001=1954. From 1954 thru 1958 all serial numbers on air circulators were designated in this style.
Tip: The wires from the choke coil have a clear varnish insulation that needs to be removed with a fine sand paper before connecting to other wires. Always use insulated wire connectors when connecting wires.
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Tip: The wires from the choke coil have a clear varnish insulation that needs to be removed with a fine sand paper before connecting to other wires. Always use insulated wire connectors when connecting wires.
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Kansas Paint and Color at 132 N Mosley in Wichita, KS supplied paint to The O.A. Sutton Vornado Fan Division. During a visit to Wichita in 2000 my wife and I were walking around Old Town and strolled past this building. The dock door was open on this warm autumn day and could smell the paint fumes wafting out the door. Upon looking inside the loading dock door, I could see hanging from the ceiling, a 60P Vornado circulating the air. Kansas Paint and Color operated at this location from 1921-2003. (photo courtesy of Wichita Photo Archive unknown photographer)
The names of paint colors give by Vornado are as given;
- Mist Gray (1956-58)
- Dark Green (1956)
- Light Green (1956)
- Charcoal Gray (1956-58)
- Mint Blue (1956-58)
- Coral Rose (1956)
- Vornado green (1950-1955)
- Machinery Gray (1950-55 motor, propeller, flange, flange brackets)
Photos of Vintage Vornados from valued customers. I really enjoy seeing what you are working but most of all helping you with your vintage Vornado. Thanks for the pictures!
Keep sending them and I will post them!
The Photo Gallery below is dedicated to my best friend William H. Comley. I was friends with "Bill" for 20 plus years. We talked on the phone for hours discussing politics, family, memories of how things were when we were growing up but mostly all things Vornado. My wife and I met Bill in Wichita, KS while attending an AFCA Fan Fair Convention in 1997. Bill was an excellent restorer with great attention to detail. He was an artist and craftsman with a true appreciation for all thing quality made. He was always helping fellow Vornado collectors, friends and the local people of Wichita with their vintage Vornados. He rarely asked for anything for his services. Bill was also an excellent photographer which is evident in the photos of the fans in the gallery. On December 4, 2020, William was called Home. Bill was my best friend and the older brother I never had! I miss you my friend!
Left to Right: (Left to Right) My wife Michelle, Me and Bill at one of his favorite restaurants in Wichita, "Montana Ted's." We always looked forward to getting together when we visited Wichita! We have a lot of cherished memories.